本帖最后由 花落 于 2014-6-11 18:57 编辑
Flowers In The Breeze 乱 红
---- My tune impression to a friend ---- 听曲有感并致友人
By Skiff-Traveler 扁舟子 Tr. By Shangri-La
Listening to the tune of your lovesickness last night 昨夜闻君相思曲 Through it I stayed awake with the jade-like moonlight 月华如玉到天明
In the overnight patter of rain 一夜急雨 I sobered up from a hangover 一场宿醉中清醒 The past days lay round the ground 曾经的岁月散落一地 Could either of us tell 谁还分得清 Which were happy and which bitter 哪些是爱哪些是恨呢
Every romance is perfect merely in memory 所有的故事都只是回忆的完美 Neither of us can avoid samsara 你我都逃不过轮回 But you were still pouring out as if weeping and as if singing 只你的倾诉如泣如歌 In the very bloom 正是花开的时节 On the night even longer than ever, under the Milky Way and moon silver 长夜漫漫,银月星河
I won't foresee our reunion 不想预见我们的相见 In the breeze caressing my face over, flowers were flying around the azure 清风拂面,散花漫天 Walking on the flowers fallen about 踏着满地的乱红 I flap the wings of my faint thought 就让那淡淡的思绪 To chase, rather romantic dreams for a lover 去寻找,有些虚无的梦
Perhaps we needn't keep seeking 也许不用再苦苦追寻 Before us, all views are fascinating 眼前,都是最美的风景 Sure we share the same feeling 知道你的感受相同 Let's bid Good dream to each other 道一声好梦吧 Where, you, a light dancer; I, a breezy bather 你,轻舞;我,浴风