本帖最后由 花落 于 2014-6-18 09:20 编辑
A Dream Catcher 追 梦人 ---This Poem I Inscribe To Paint-mongering For Her Painting ----题画并致舞墨
By Skiff-traveller 扁舟子 Tr. By Shangri-La
The previous life unknown, and the great beyond ignored 不知前世,也不问来生
In the tale spread with your delicate hand, time is sunk 你素手展开的故事里,时光已沉沦
The meteors across the sky 天上的流星
And the grass on the ground 地上的野草
That you carefully beautify 经你用心地拾缀
All become fine views in the world 都是人间的美好
You say landscape looks lovelier at a distance 你说风景只在远方
Yet I prefer your kindness 而我只在乎你的善良
The wild flowers are blooming before my eyes 那盛开的野花就在眼前
Actually I know, very short is the way to you 其实我知道,走近你的路很近
While so long, is the one to your soul 走进你的路,很远
Chant a prairie long tune 就吟唱一首草原的长调
Laden with ease, of our teens 歌声满满,都是少年的逍遥
In my ears linger your gentle whispers 你温柔的细语只在耳边
You dance with grace, under the white clouds 白云下面,有你的轻舞翩翩
I’d like to fall asleep in the flowers 我愿在花下入眠
In mid-autumn, the water-like moonlight shines 仲秋,有如水般月华
All of a sudden my yearning afar sweeps desert sands 遥遥的牵挂忽卷起大漠的风沙
Carrying a longbow, and riding a steed 携长弓,跨骏马
Come on. Let’s start 走吧,走吧
Tonight,roam with me around the world 今夜,随我浪迹天涯