本帖最后由 花落 于 2014-2-25 11:34 编辑
Siren’s Song 海妖之歌
--- For My Class Of May 4th ——致五四班的同学们
By Skiff-Traveler 扁舟子
Tr. By Shangri-La
I roved so long until I’m attracted by your song 多年的漂泊,我选择被你的歌声吸引
To sink or to free, my destiny, is involuntary all along 投入或转身,注定无奈的,是命运
In late summer and early autumn 夏末或是初秋
By amur grapevines the walls are covered 山葡萄的藤蔓爬满了墙头
With the breeze kissing over 有风从中穿过
Your dancing green figure 于是绿影的婆娑中
Is my view 无语的遥望
Quiet and stereo 成了立体的风景
At dawn I wake with your familiar merry song 清晨,还是那熟悉的的欢歌
Into dark my overnight dream is gone 昨夜的梦寐都潜入了黑夜
The warm light glows bright and ardent 那亮丽的光芒温暖而热烈
All my sorrow is shone in the sun golden 所有的忧郁都变成金黄
The cold winter which comes sooner or later 一定会来的寒冷
May be forgotten 可以选择遗忘
Mauve-jade grip in hand, green-jade bracelet round wrist 握一方紫玉,再轻拾一环翡翠
They feel glossy like old blue-and-white porcelain 温润的感觉如青花瓷般古老
Your face blooming is too charming to be depicted by painting 初绽的笑容无法用丹青描画
Let’s enjoy the clouds strolling, the winds chanting 一起去看云吧,且听风吟
In the paper laden with vows the ink charms linger 一纸繁华间是承诺的墨韵
In the gentle breeze, smart dragonflies skim the water 风中潇洒的,是点水的蜻蜓
Pandora’s Box open, an arctic fox travels back through time pursuing 打开月光宝盒,一只白狐穿越了时间
Yet no matter how enchanting, she can’t slacken days fleeting 可再娇媚的回首,又怎能轻落流年
During the years rolling, freeze-framed is the beautiful Gobi sun setting 在岁月的浮沉中,戈壁落日美好的定格
The hero, can’t leap his horse any longer, over the Wuding river 无定河啊,英雄骑马,再也跨不过
Leaving his lover waiting on the Waterloo Bridge forever 那就让蓝桥的守候成为永恒
Never claim you can heal all your scars, 不要说封心、封情,就能抚平所有的伤痕
by closing your heart and freezing your feeling
My thinking wings flit over the horizon 飞翔的翅膀划过天际
With my random heart, lost in lifelong illusion 用驿动的心,换取一世的迷离
Your eternal calls fade in fallen flowers 亘古的呼唤在落英中隐藏
In the moonlight silver, inaudible, is the twitter to each other 月色轻柔,听不到的,是相对的呢喃
You say, predestined 你说, 随缘
I answer, expecting 我说, 期盼 ……